Pedestrian Safety Survey

The Dewey Beach Town Council is considering a workshop to discuss pedestrian safety issues in town. We want to hear from you! Do you have ideas on how to improve pedestrian safety?


We've received many recommendations from visitors via email. Please note, while we want to hear all suggestions, some options are not feasible due to the fact that Coastal Highway, the major roadway through Dewey Beach, is state-owned. We must work with DelDOT on major changes, and some recommendations do not follow state law, and therefore cannot be implemented. One of the most common requests from visitors and residents has been to change the color of the flashing crosswalk beacons from yellow, to red. We have discussed this with DelDOT. Changing the color of the lights is not possible at this time, as the yellow color is an industry standard.


However, the Town has worked diligently to make improvements wherever possible. The following improvements have already been made:

  • Speed limit lowered to 25mph on Coastal Highway
  • Added 10 pedestrian crosswalk signs on Coastal Highway and King Charles Highway.
  • Added 16 pedestrian crosswalk road markings on Coastal Highway.
  • Warnings to "push button, look twice, check both lanes" stenciled in red on sidewalks of all crosswalks.
  • Post and rope fencing installed on the center island of Coastal Highway to divert pedestrians to crosswalks.
  • Extended a 50' solid white line down the highway before crosswalks to prevent vehicles from changing lanes.
  • Two radar speed signs purchased and installed at the north and south ends of town to slow down traffic.
  • Speed and crosswalk enforcement conducted by the Police Department.
  • Maintenance of trees down center island is ongoing to ensure proper visibility.


Pedestrian safety is an ongoing project. The following projects/recommendations are currently in the works:

  • The Town has requested DelDOT to lower the flashing yellow beacons to increase visibility to drivers.
  • Some trees will be removed from the center island to improve visibility at crosswalks.
  • Portable message board will be purchased and placed to warn drivers of crosswalks and the fine for not stopping for pedestrians.
  • The Town continues to communicate with DelDOT regularly on ways to improve public safety at the crosswalks.

Please share any further ideas or recommendations you may have below. You are welcome to submit anonymously, but providing your contact information will help us to follow up with you directly if necessary. Keep an eye on our Town Meeting Calendar to find out when future discussions will take place. Your input is important, and any suggestions submitted through this form will be shared with Town Council. 
