Good Afternoon Dewey Beach Committee Members,

On Friday, April 21st, the Town Council voted to amend and reinstate the Dewey Beach Virtual Meeting Policy. Additionally, we have been notified that the State Public Emergency Order issued by Governor Carney will be lifted in the very near future. This order superseded any meeting policy by the town, and enabled us to hold town meetings fully virtual. Once this order is lifted (expected to happen next month), we will be reverting back to the Dewey Beach Virtual Meeting Policy. Meetings will NOT be able to be held fully virtual any longer, and must adhere to the policy posted below.

Additionally, a new Committee Member Handbook has been created and posted on each committee page on the town website. Previously, state regulations, town regulations, and virtual meeting policies all existed as separate documents. This new handbook compiles all of this information, and also serves as a great resource for new committee members just learning the ropes! Please review the Committee Member Handbook at your convenience.

This email is being sent to all committee member email addresses provided in the "Staff Directory" posted on each committee page. Committee chairpersons should review the list for their committee posted online. Please alert the Town Clerk of any email address changes to ensure all members receive any future correspondence.

Thank you all for your continued service to the Town of Dewey Beach. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to with any questions regarding the handbook or virtual meeting policy. Enjoy your week!


Approved 08/13/2021

Amended 04/21/2023


Recent enactment of Senate Bill 94 amending the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provisions of Title 29 permits virtual meetings of public bodies under certain conditions. The amendments provide that:

A public body may hold a virtual meeting if all of the following occur:

  1. The meeting notice includes information regarding how the public can monitor or participate in the meeting.
  2. The meeting has an anchor location.
  3. The identity of a member or witness is verified, and the actions of a member are authenticated, in a manner satisfactory to the presiding officer or chair.
  4. All participating members and witnesses can simultaneously do 1 of the following regarding each member or witness who is recognized by the presiding officer or chair:
    1. Hear the comments of each member or witness.
    2. Hear the comments of and view each member or witness.
  5. A document used during the meeting by a member or witness, and that is accepted by the presiding officer or chair, is immediately provided to each member or witness participating in the meeting and made available to the public.
  6. Except during an executive session, the public is able to do all of the following through an electronic means of communication:
    1. Monitor the meeting.
    2. Provide public comment, if the public body is required to accept, or provides an opportunity for, public comment.
  7. Minutes of the virtual meeting are maintained.


If all of the above requirements can be satisfied, meetings of the Town Council or any commission, board, or committee established by the Town Charter or Code, including Planning and Zoning, Board of Adjustment, and Audit Committee may include virtual participation under the following conditions:

Virtual meetings of all other Town committees or groups subject to FOIA requirements are permitted under the following conditions:

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